Warkworth Rotary to Host Second Charity Fashion Show


The Warkworth Rotary is set to repeat its successful charity fashion show next month, following last year’s impressive debut. Scheduled for Friday, September 20, the event aims to raise funds for the Women’s Centre Rodney.

The inaugural “Rotary on the Runway” fashion show proved to be a hit, with proceeds from last year’s event contributing to the purchase of a new stove for the Women’s Centre. This year, the Rotary Club is focusing its fundraising efforts on acquiring a branded marquee to support the Centre’s participation in community events.

Convenor Cindy Bakewell highlights that the upcoming show will take place at the Warkworth Town Hall, beginning at 5:30 p.m. “It’s a fun evening that will give the audience a sneak peek of what’s going to be in shops this summer,” Bakewell notes.

The fashion show will feature a diverse range of outfits suited for various occasions and age groups, with models spanning from their 20s to their 80s. Clothing for the event will be provided by Coconut Gallery and Warkworth Menswear.

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