Students Forge Community and Career Paths Through Fashion in Business Club


The student-run Fashion in Business (FIB) club at the University of Utah is helping students advance their academic and professional careers through a focus on the fashion industry. Founded in 2020 within the David Eccles School of Business, FIB initially catered to business students, but has since expanded its scope to include participants from all academic disciplines.

Isabella Nibley, the club’s community engagement officer and a major in international relations and economics, emphasizes the role of fashion as a vehicle for creative expression and community building. “Fashion is a form of creative expression, and it can say a lot,” Nibley said. “It brings together a community and carries significant symbolism.”

Dulce Vargas, FIB’s events director and a business major, highlights fashion’s role as a universal bonding point. “Fashion is an accessible way to showcase individual identity,” Vargas noted. “It unites us because we all wear clothes, and it particularly resonates with those interested in the creative aspects.”

FIB provides a range of events aimed at fostering professional growth. Vargas explains that the group’s origins in the business school inspire innovative methods for career development. “We continuously seek ways to connect the dots and support our members’ professional advancement,” Vargas said.

Recent events hosted by FIB include a LinkedIn workshop in March 2023, where participants had the opportunity to update their profiles with professional headshots, and an Adobe Skills Workshop in November 2022, which focused on using Adobe software for fashion content creation and portfolio development.

The club also organizes member socials, movie nights, and creative workshops to facilitate networking and personal connections. “We strive to balance professional development with enjoyable activities,” Vargas added.

A significant aspect of FIB’s mission is promoting sustainability in fashion. The club encourages members to explore eco-friendly fashion choices, such as thrifting and second-hand clothing. Regular clothing swap events are held, allowing students to exchange items they no longer wear for something new.

FIB’s highlight event is its annual fashion show, which serves as a platform for showcasing local talent and creative work. The inaugural fashion show took place in January 2023, and its success led to the decision to make it a recurring event. The second annual “By U, For You” fashion show, held in February 2024 in collaboration with the Union Programming Council, was a major success, attracting over 850 attendees. The event featured ten local designers, 50 student models, and more than a dozen vendors.

Membership in FIB is open to all interested students. Nibley noted that participation is straightforward: attending events is all that is required, with updates and information shared through the club’s Instagram account.

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