Shein Reports Child Labour Cases in Supply Chain


Chinese fast fashion retailer Shein has disclosed two instances of child labour within its supply chain in its 2023 sustainability report. This announcement comes as the company increases its oversight of the suppliers producing its apparel.

According to Shein, it temporarily halted orders from the implicated suppliers and only resumed business with them after they implemented significant measures to address the child labour issues. The company stated that both cases were addressed promptly, involving actions such as terminating contracts with underage workers, ensuring the payment of any due wages, arranging medical examinations, and facilitating the return of the minors to their families or legal guardians.

The disclosure of these cases coincides with Shein’s anticipated plans to go public with a stock market listing. The company has faced ongoing criticism regarding working conditions in factories within its supply chain.

In response to these incidents, Shein has reinforced its supplier policies. The updated regulations now mandate the immediate termination of contracts if any violations related to child or forced labour are detected. The company reported that these two cases occurred in the first nine months of 2023 and that no further instances were identified in the subsequent quarter.

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